For the debut episode of The Future Is A Mixtape, Matt & Jesse introduce the concept of “The Poison Pyramid” -- an idea-shape composed of three very bad ideas that shouldn’t be part of humanity’s shared future. The discussion tackles the first of these bad ideas: Religion.
Mentioned on this episode:
“You know what’s cool… a billion dollars”
Utopia or Oblivion: The Prospects for Humanity by R. Buckminster Fuller
Saving Spaceship Earth By Matthew Snyder
Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future
HyperNormalization by Adam Curtis
Kim Stanley Robinson says Elon Musk's Mars plan is a "1920s science-fiction cliché"
Cell Phones And Flying · Louis C.K.
“An Evening with Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris” in Glendale, California