On this episode of The Future Is A Mixtape, Matthew & Jesse go beyond Michael Moore’s Where to Invade Next and his apt citations of policy successes in other societies found outside the U.S., and will instead grapple with the stasis of the Left and its tragic inability to wrest change from the Death-Dealers of Neoliberalism. How can we learn from both the past and present to make another world possible? How can we transcend the suffering and carnage found in our daily lives that are as deceptively petty as buying child-socks at Target, but are, nonetheless, consumer rituals made heavy by unseen violence? Join our co-hosts as they do a politically drunk version of Jiu-Jitsu via the wreckage of what lies behind, around and ahead of us. Jesse & Matt will then imagine what strategies and tactics are most deserving of our attention in the here-and-now, so we can transcend The Poison Pyramid and finally arrive at The Golden Square.
Mentioned In This Episode:
Prior Discussions on The Poison Pyramid:
Episode 001 on Religion: “The Desire for Certainty”
Episode 002 on Capitalism: “The Invisible Hand”
Episode 003 on Celebrity: “Star-Fuckers”
Prior Discussions on The Golden Square:
Episode 007 on Food: “Grammars of the Palate”
Episode 008 on Shelter: “Gimme Shelter”
Episode 009 on Healthcare: “An Apple A Day . . .”
Episode 010 on Education: “Squaring the Golden Square: Education”
Viewing Copies of Michael Moore’s Where to Invade Next
What is a ShitBox? “The ShitBox Commercial Product Review”
The History of Basic Income’s Origins from Thomas Paine & Beyond
Moyers & Company: One-Hour Documentary - “The United States of ALEC”
The Los Angeles Review of Books: “On Bureaucracy and the Left” by Guy Patrick Cunningham
David Graeber’s The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity and The Secret Joys of Bureaucracy
The Norwegian American: “How Norwegian Do It: National Elections in Norway”
Joe Scarborough in Politico: “Obama’s Friendship with Wall Street” (2011)
The Sunlight Foundation: “The Max Baucus Health Care Lobbyist Complex”
Lawrence Lessig’s TEDtalk: “We the People, and the Republic We Must Reclaim”
Counterpunch: “The Woman Who Blew the Whistle on Halliburton Gets Canned”
Financial Times on No-Bid Contracts: “Contractors Reap $138bn from Iraq War”
UC Davis’ Center for Poverty Research: “What Is the History of the Minimum Wage?”
The Official Website for Wolf PAC: It’s Vision, Plan and Course for Actions
Wolf PAC’s Progress Toward Calling for a Constitutional Convention: Five States Thus Far
What Is an Article V Convention? It’s Origins, History and Potential for Change.
The ERA Movement: The Equal Rights Amendment Act
Beacon Broadside: “Phyllis Schlafly: Still Wrong (and Mean) After All of These Years”
The Washington Post: “Democrats Troll House Republicans, Sing and Wave ‘Bye-Bye’ as AHCA Passes”
Youtube Video of Democrats Singing “Goodbye” Song
CNN News: “Sanders Supporters Shower Clinton Motorcade with Dollar Bills”
Jane F. McAlevey’s No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age
Murray Bookchin: Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm
Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything: The Climate Versus Capitalism
Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams: Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work
What was the Mont Pelerin Society, Its Aims & Who Was Its Founders?
The North Star: Mark Fisher’s “Exiting the Vampire Castle”
Cenk Uygur’s Ill-Conceived Idea of Starting Justice Democrats Instead of Doubling Down on Wolf PAC
New Poll Shows Money in Politics Is A Top Voting Concern
Ryan Skolnick: “Anthony Rendon Is Wrong: SB 562 Is Not Woefully Incomplete”
Robert Pollin’s Defense of SB-562 in The Intercept: “Why Single Payer, Now, Is for Real”